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A member registered Nov 08, 2020

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I just wanna know before i get this if its optional to have gay encounters. I honestly wont be able to play this if i have to watch any gay sex lol.

should point out: im using a green attack spell, a red attack spell, and a blue heal spell, all on vuu

Is there a faster/easier way to kill the nightmare? cause ive been grinding for like an hour to get to lvl 10 and still cant. like i get shes level 11, but this just seems a bit much...

I feel there should be a second explanation of the mechanics in the extras menu, because on night 3, i had no idea how to fend off the character in the middle door. i thought i remembered it saying in n1 to just shine your light on her, but that didnt seem to work. And i REALLY dont want to reset back to n1 just to hear the tutorial again. I feel it should be replayable in the extras menu to avoid confusion